
Smooth Shell

Smooth Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A smooth shell with no bumps, ridges, or spikes.

Spiky Shell

Spiky Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A spiky shell with smooth edges. Spikes may not be bigger than normal horns. 

Ridged Shell

Ridged Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A shell with curves and ridges to the outer edge. This does not change shell plate shape other than the ridges.

Normal Horns

Normal Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Basic horns. They should not be a greater height than the bottom  of the Isopups jaw to the top of their head.

Short Horns

Short Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Short horns. These horns are significantly shorter than normal horns and may appear to be chibi like or nub like in size. 

Rhino Horns

Rhino Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Can be 2 horns or just one, but must be near or on the tip of the snout.

Lone Horn

Lone Horn (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

A singular horn. It can be any type that is applicable by the characters rarity. 

Hedgehog Horns

Hedgehog Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

A series of spiked horns in medium length. Maximum of 5.

Tusk Horns

Tusk Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Horns which connect at the jaw and act as tusks. Cannot be longer than back of head to tip of snout. 

Ram Horns

Ram Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Ram horns which curve around the face. Can spiral, but cannot be on the top of the head.

Folded Horns

Folded Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Dragon like horns that fold backwards in a zig zag like pattern.

Unicorn Horn

Unicorn Horn (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

A singular medium sized horn which can be anywhere on the top of the head.

Bubble Horns

Bubble Horns (Common)

Category: Horns
Species: Isopups

Wide horns with a small pointed tip on top. They should not be a greater height than the bottom of the Isopup's jaw to the top of their head.

Lone Antenna

Lone Antenna (Common)

Category: Antenna
Species: Isopups

A singular lone antenna.

Bent Antenna

Bent Antenna (Common)

Category: Antenna
Species: Isopups

Antenna which may be either bent backwards or facing forward.

Normal Antenna

Normal Antenna (Common)

Category: Antenna
Species: Isopups

Normal Antenna. Cannot be longer than the Isopup's head. Max of 2.

Nose Antenna

Nose Antenna (Common)

Category: Antenna
Species: Isopups

Nose antenna which peotrude from the tip of the snout. 

Dragon Teeth

Dragon Teeth (Common)

Category: Teeth
Species: Isopups

1 row of small sharp pointy fangs on the top jaw and another on the bottom jaw.

Round Tongue

Round Tongue (Common)

Category: Mouth
Species: Isopups

A normal round tongue. Does not need to be shown on ML.

Normal Mouth

Normal Mouth (Common)

Category: Mouth
Species: Isopups

A normal mouth. 

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