
Normal Eyes

Normal Eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

White or colored sclera with black or very dark pupils.


Color in Pupil

Color in Pupil (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

Black or very dark pupils with color(s) in the pupil. May not be more than 50% of the pupil.



Heterochromia (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

When one eye's sclera is a different color from the other eye's. Can be paired with color in pupil and colored pupil.

Patterned Sclera

Patterned Sclera (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

A pattern in the sclera. The pattern must remain consistent in size and shape(s).

Colored Pupil

Colored Pupil (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

When the pupil is 100% a color other than black or a very dark color.

No Sclera

No Sclera (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

Allows for only the pupil to be visible. Can be paired with colored pupil and color in pupil. 

Shaped Pupil (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Isopups

A pupil that is in any shape other than round or square.

Multicolored Sclera (Rare)

Category: Eyes

There is more than one color present in the sclera.

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