
Smooth Shell

Smooth Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A smooth shell with no bumps, ridges, or spikes.

Spiky Shell

Spiky Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A spiky shell with smooth edges. Spikes may not be bigger than normal horns. 

Ridged Shell

Ridged Shell (Common)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A shell with curves and ridges to the outer edge. This does not change shell plate shape other than the ridges.

Zigzagged Plates

Zigzagged Plates (Uncommon)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

Shell plates that are zigzagged in shape. This does not change the plate shape other than the edges.

Solid Shell

Solid Shell (Uncommon)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A solid shell with no plating.

Oddly Shaped Shell Plates

Oddly Shaped Shell Plates (Rare)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

Shell plates that are unusual in shape, form, and pattern.

Partial Shell

Partial Shell (Rare)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A shell which only partially covers the isopup and or has holes in it. Cannot completely remove a shell.

Lacey Shell

Lacey Shell (Rare)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

A lace that hangs from the shell which can be any length.

Enhydro Shell

Enhydro Shell (Mythic)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups (Cosmic subtype)

A trait that allows parts of a pup's shell (and things that connect to it, such as horns, tail, and antennae) to have liquid inside of them!

Overgrown Shell

Overgrown Shell (Rare)

Category: Shells
Species: Isopups

Shell plates extend down the Isopup arms and legs. It cannot cover the belly, face, or underside of the paw and toes. This does not change the plate shape other than the length. This trait can turn features [Ex. Wings] that touch the shell to be made out of shell. Can be mixed with other applicable shell traits. 

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