
<a href=" Seashell" class="display-item">Hypnotic Seashell</a>

Hypnotic Seashell

Resale Value: 1 Wisps

An oval-shaped shell, which appears to be multi-colored and hypnotizing. The shells are actually a part of a special species of muscle on Nautil, whose flesh is extremely iridescent due to deep-sea conditions. In nature, these clams open up their mouth and let the glowing iridescence draw in any bottom-feeders before snapping closed. When one of these clams die, they leave behind their shell. Sometimes, you will be lucky enough to find one still shining as if it were alive.

<a href=" Catfish" class="display-item">Shelled Catfish</a>

Shelled Catfish

Resale Value: 1 Wisps

A semi-aquatic species of fish that usually resides in shallow waters near beaches. When tempted and during low tide, these fish crawl from the water to nearby tidepools, feasting on the variety of muscles, algae, and starfish there. The shell protects them from being swept up by common avian like predators, as the shells are almost as hard as an Isopups. When caught, these fish can make quite the companion, though they aren't very smart.

<a href=" Seaweed" class="display-item">Sentient Seaweed</a>

Sentient Seaweed

Resale Value: 1 Wisps

Every so often, stray elemental energy possesses not only Isopups and other biological entities, but plants and other species of flower as well. One of the affected is famously labeled sentient seaweed- despite the name, it cannot talk or form coherent thought. It, however can see and eat physically, despite it being photosynthetic. Usually, sentient seaweed are more-so tricksters, once something entangled in its vines it will drag it down to the depths, making sure what it is. If the object it has gotten is smaller than a coconut, it attempts to eat it. If not, it usually lets the creature go and hides.

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