<a href="https://isopups.com/world/items?name=Homely Meal" class="display-item">Homely Meal</a>

Homely Meal

Category: Dishes

Nothing makes you feel like you're on a planet and not a forever travelling space ship like potatos, corn and steak! Thankfully, you at least have that. Start by searing your meat with light heat, before baking it in the oven inside the pan you sear it in. Use marrow to substitute any spice here, as the fat is enough to both cook and flavor it. Peel, cut, then boil your wiretaters, after making sure to extract all signs of excess wiring. Mash them up, and add more marrow to them to allow for thickening as a binder agent. Lastly, boil your corn and flavor with, you guessed it, more marrow! Serve on a plate and enjoy as soon as you finish!